Our student's experience and safety is paramount to our school and we are committed to provide both adults and junior students with a caring and supportive environment.
We understand, as parents, that the thought of sending our children to study abroad at a young age can be a difficult decision. At CSL we work tireless to ensure you have piece of mind.
Understanding CSL Under 18's programmes:
- 13 to 17 years old programmes are residential programmes which take place during the summer.
- 16 -17 years old may participate on residential programmes or normal adult classes.
When 16 and 17 year old opt for our adult programmes they have greater independence and will benefit from greater independence however rules apply.
CSL has robust safeguarding policies and procedures in place to care for its students. This includes:
ensure homestay providers and our staff are suitable to work with adolescents;
full board homestay
setting expectations to staff and students what is acceptable behaviour and what is not allowed;
provide support and advice to our students on a number of topics i.e.transport, shops, wellbeing, local regulations from teens, etc;
ensuring students' safety is assessed when running external social activities;
making sure that students know who their contact point is at the school if there is a problem.
For further information, please follow this link to Policies and Procedures.
Parents with children aged 16 or 17 can either book a CSL airport transfer or arrange for their son / daughter to be met by an adult relative or friend of the family.